“A time being is someone who lives in time, and that means you, and me, and every one of us who is, or was, or ever will be.”

— A Tale for the Time Being


Hi. My name is Jen.

I'm a Filipino artist who is now based in Sydney. I’m a writer and calligrapher, previously known as Freckles and Ink. My calligraphy style is a mix of the modern and classic with flourishes along the way. While I prefer to write with a pointed pen, I am also able to do brush. Lately, I have delved into digital calligraphy and art. My literary writing is heavily influenced by nostalgia. I write in prose and poetry. This year, I have started to go on a slow journey to a minimalist and sustainable closet. I believe that I am not yet there but I am enjoying the process along the way. It has helped me manifest a slow, more thoughtful way of living. I have a love/hate relationship with watercolour.


My love affair with beautiful handwriting started when I was a kid. As part of my penmanship practice, my mom would train me to write in cursive every day. I hated it at that time, but it has paved the way to my calligraphy today.

Calligraphy started as a hobby in 2014. I was doing drills every night and every morning, I went to work with ink-stained fingers. In 2015, Freckles & Ink was born. It was a passion project that sprung into existence - it wasn't planned. It was as if the sleepless nights just led me there.

My first calligraphy workshop for beginners was held in June 2015. From there, it grew. It started with small commissioned projects and workshops until they became full fledged calligraphy projects for weddings. My workshops reached schools and universities in the Philippines. I collaborated with artist friends and held watercolour and calligraphy sessions. In 2016, I organised a a surf and art camp called 'Sunstoked and Ink-stained' - it was a dream come true that I never knew I wanted.

I took a two year hiatus when I moved to Sydney. However, in the middle of doing uni work for my masters, I was able to hold a calligraphy workshop for beginners in 2018 at the Eckersley’s Arts and Craft Penrith branch.

After taking a much needed break, I am ready to write again for you.

Telling Stories

I am a big believer of telling stories through art and writing. The world is filled with stories. As time beings, we are moving parts of an entire book and in those pages are short stories of our lives that encompass time. In my Journal, I intend to write about life, sentimentality, my creative pursuits, and my slow journey to sustainability. I hope you allow me tell my narrative. We are, after all, unsong songs and untold stories.

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